is passionate about
guiding people through
stressful conflict situations

Conflict is never easy, but it doesn’t have to be ugly … Just-Mediate it!

Family Mediation at Just-Mediate

The essence of

Professional Mediation

Successful mediation is built upon skilful facilitation of communication. The professional mediator is completely impartial, therefore able to ensure that the negotiation process is fair and all parties have their say. A successful mediator is able to steer the process in such a way that the parties communicate respectfully and refrain from using abusive or profane language, as well as belittling or intimidating one another.

“Dialogue is the most effective way of resolving conflict”   – Tenzin Gyatso

The Essence of Our Services

Welcome to Just-Mediate, a dynamic Mediating Firm located in Gauteng. We invite people who are struggling with unresolved conflict situations all over the West Rand to contact our professional mediators and arbitrators for assistance.

During mediation an impartial third party (our mediator) assists disputing parties in resolving their conflict or dispute. Mediation is all about communication. The mediation process is structured and interactive and our mediators encourage all participants to participate in a calm, fair, respectful and logical way. They are firm, yet empathetic in their facilitation of communication and ensure that the more forceful party does not intimidate the lesser forceful party. 

Our professional and experienced dispute practitioners want to assist you with any conflict, dispute, altercation, strife, feud as well as disagreement or friction. We understand your anger, distress, bewilderment, hurt, distrust, vulnerability and feelings of overwhelming helplessness and despair.



Your Mediating Firm of Choice

So, before your dispute or disagreement escalates into a court case, allow our impartial conciliator to assist you in working out a mutually satisfactory agreement or settlement. Mediation saves you time and money as well as reduces the stress you are experiencing.

Our mediators are accredited in South Africa as well as Internationally and their experience enables them to adapt to any case and situation.

We offer a half-hour free consultation to break the ice and help you decide about your way forward.

Please make use of the opportunity to embark on your journey back to normality and balance in your life.

“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say” – Bryant H McGill

What is Mediation?

Mediation – allowing each party the same opportunity to explain their side of the conflict in a controlled, professionally facilitated process.

Our Mediator’s role is to provide a structured process that assists with identifying the issues, developing options, and reaching an agreement that satisfies the needs of the parties involved as much as possible.

In some cases one party may be more forceful than the other, thus tending to dominate the other meeker party. The mediator’s role is to ensure that such behaviour is not allowed and the meeker party is sufficiently protected and given voice.

Just-Mediate provides efficient essential services to achieve creative, mutually satisfactory resolutions benefiting both parties as well as mending and maintaining damaged relationships. At the same time our mediator cultivates mutual respect through improved communication.

Just-Mediate and our affiliated South African and Internationally accredited skilled consultants offer to facilitate the best, cost-effective solution for your current conflict.

Resolving your conflict swiftly and amicably is possible. The onus of taking action lies solely on YOU.

Just do it!

What's in it for YOU?

Our Service Realm

Some conflicts have a more devastating effect on people’s lives that others, simply because of the nature of the conflict. We endeavour to help all parties through any kind of conflict, no matter the severity of the problem.

We want you all to survive the conflict as stronger and better people because of the professional guidance and fair facilitation we deliver.

Our mediation services comprise various manners of dispute such as family, workplace, civil and restorative justice mediation

Get your free 30 min consultation now!

"Conflict cannot survive without your participation" – Wayne Dyer

Divorce and post divorce for married or unmarried couples with or without children as well as all marriage regimes.

  • Uncontested Divorce
  • Co-Parenting
  • Child’s Voice
  • Parenting Plan

"Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional"
– Max Lucado

Full Payroll Services for Human Resources as well as Industrial Relations.

  • Employees from all levels
  • All types of workplace conflicts
  • Sexual harassment complaints
  • Challenges between employees
  • Abating performance
  • Terminations

"Do not find fault, find a remedy"
– Henry Ford

Just-Mediate provides efficient essential services achieving creative, mutually satisfactory resolutions for various civil disagreements.

  • All types of property disputes
  • A variety of trust and estate disputes
  • Various types of business/commercial disputes

Miscellaneous Disputes & Conflicts

Parent-Teen Conflicts

Conflict between parents and teenagers happens for various reasons. Teenagers might seek independence from their parents; poor communication and misunderstanding; differences in opinion; behavioural problems; low self-esteem; drug abuse – all of which can cause a destructive cycle of conflict and failure to control.

Be sensible. Call us!

Domestic Violence

This is a serious problem in South Africa. Domestic violence includes any behaviour towards family members where the purpose is to gain control and power over them. Forms of domestic violence can be physical, emotional, sexual, psychological, economical, etc. and affects any age, gender, race or sexual orientation.

Be brave. Call us!

Elder Care Conflicts

As parents age, they might begin to rely on their offspring for help and support. This growing dependence often causes conflict among their children who have to take care of their own families as well. Most common causes of conflict are a lack of support from other siblings, financial issues, opposing views and also health and disability issues.

Be wise. Call us!

Assistance re Strikes

A strike action or labour strike is an organised mass refusal of employees to work until their grievances are heard by their employer. Reasons for strikes are varied and includes disputes over wages, unfair labour practice, service delivery complaints, etc. The goal is to force employers or government to listen to their demands.

Be shrewd. Call us!

CCMA Representation

CCMA stands for Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration. This body is not linked to any political party, business or union. Its purpose is to promote fair labour practices. Labour disputes are resolved by an arbitrator who facilitates communication between two parties in dispute to reach a fair and binding agreement.

Be proactive. Call us!


Defamation is the act of making a false statement about a person with the purpose of ruining his/her reputation. This can happen through slander as well as libel. Slander is spoken defamation and libel is written defamation. Either way, defamatory statements are false, malicious and causes unjust harm to the victim’s reputation.

Be tactical. Call us!

Intellectual Property

People and companies develop ideas, inventions, patents, literary and artistic works, symbols, images as well as designs, etc. called intellectual property. IP theft happens when IP is used or appropriated without the permission of the owner. Violations can be infringement and counterfeiting of trademark or copyright rights.

Be strategic. Call us!

Breach of Contract

A contract is a written or oral formal and agreed promise between two parties. Such a contract created obligations which the parties have to fulfil. A breach of contract means one of the parties has broken the promise by violating any of the agreed-upon terms of the binding contract without a legitimate, lawful excuse.

Be smart. Call us!

You are not useless, nor a failure, nor a loser. Those are false perceptions. You feel hurt, and angry, confused, and afraid. You are a victim of a relationship gone very wrong. But, as long as you can move and breathe, you can act. You have the power – believe it, use it, and TAKE BACK CONTROL!

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